It’s a basic idea that we all understand – fireplaces get hot. But sometimes, especially with gas fireplaces that have sealed combustion systems behind glass, it’s easy to overlook basic gas fireplace safety, so please have a read through these Helpful Fireplace Safety Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe this Winter.
When using any fireplace – gas fireplaces included – there are real flames and hot gases involved. The fire is contained, but as the fireplace warms the room, the materials that surround the fire can get hot, like the metal surrounding the firebox and the glass, which can reach temperatures high enough to cause serious burns if touched. For this reason it’s incredibly important to ensure a fireplace safety barrier screen is installed over the glass, as well as considering the safety tips listed below.
Helpful Fireplace Safety Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe this Winter
Use a safety screen
Ensure a safety screen is securely in place when your gas fireplace is in operation, which is meant to protect against contact with hot glass and reduce the risk of potential burns. (Always follow manufacturer guidelines regarding the use of screens).
On a related note, use hearthpads or sparkproof fireplace rugs to prevent sparks from wood fireplaces damaging your hardwood flooring.
Remember, it stays hot!
Remember that the fireplace and surrounding material, including the screen itself, can also heat up and will remain hot for some time.
Protect your kids
Carefully supervise children and pets during and after fireplace operation.
Keep flammables items away
Ensure flammable material such as pillows, furniture, drapes, clothing, etc. are all placed a safe distance from the fireplace. During the holidays, this includes trees, decor, and gifts.
Maintain it
Annual maintenance on your fireplace will ensure it is in good working condition.
Did we leave anything out? How do you ensure safety around your fireplace? Let us know in the comments!