Product Description
This is the OEM RSF Opel replacement air control lever Cap for the Focus 250 / Pearl wood burning fireplaces. This part is new in its original packaging and is the genuine RSF replacement part.
Number: FR-98.06.01.L
Part Description: RSF Focus 250 / Pearl Air Control Lever Cap.
Applicable Models:
- RSF Focus 250
- RFS Pearl
Please check the part number, it may work in other RSF wood burning fireplaces as well.
Purpose: The Cap allows you to adjust the air flow into the fireplace.
Installation tips: Remove the old Cap, and clean the metal off with a wire brush or some fine steel wool – removing any debris. Add a little stove gasket cement to the end of the metal and slide the new wooden knob on.
Other Notes: Make sure that the stove gasket cement sets up before moving the knob.
The RSF Air Control lever Cap is typically in stock ready to ship.
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